What is arthritis joints

When joint pain occurs unbearable, we at this moment do not care what the name of the disease that it causes. What is arthritis and osteoarthritis, is not well known. Joint problems affect every tenth person on Earth, regardless of age and lifestyle. It can be noted that today it is a global issue. Therefore, it is important to deal with hot topic to finally find out for yourself what is osteoarthritis, how it happens and what methods offers modern medicine for the treatment of this serious disease.

Arthritis and osteoarthritis is one disease?


The first part names the defining disease of the joints, pronounced exactly the same. Consonance of names is misleading many people who believe that it is one and the same disease. In fact, the difference between them is big enough.

Arthritis joints – what is it? The so-called age-related disease characterized by gradual deformation of the cartilage plates. Osteoarthritis often begins to disturb the man after 45 years. In older age the likelihood of disease in osteoarthritis of the joints increases to 50 %.

Arthritis, on the contrary, occurs in young people under forty years. In both cases, the age restrictions have exceptions based on different circumstances. For example, early arthrosis may occur in professional athletes or be the result of severe injuries and fractures. Arthritis first to get sick, and already in rather old age (after 60 years), if the person had complications from heavy colds, flu or a stressful situation.

The essence of the disease

What is arthrosis? This is a chronic disease with periodic exacerbations, damage only movable joint of the bone endings. Most often affects the knee, hip, ankle joints, and it also occurs in the fingers and toes.

Arthritis is characterized by inflammation that affect the entire human body. For joint pain may be hiding a large number of other processes, to recognize that directly is not so easy. The cause of inflammation can be infectious diseases, instability of the immune system, metabolic disorders. Arthritis, except in joints, can have a negative impact on the condition of the heart activity, kidney, liver.

Hence it becomes more clear what is arthritis and osteoarthritis, what is their difference and similarity. The same symptom in both diseases is the inflammation of the cartilage of ligaments. But there are a number of unique features that allow physicians to accurately make the correct diagnosis.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis

The main characteristic of the disease are, of course, pain. Especially noticeable when driving or exercise. What is osteoarthritis of 1 degree? This is the initial stage of the disease when pain can wear a weakly pronounced, so people quickly resigned to its presence and ceases to notice. What is arthrosis of 2 degrees? This is the next stage of the disease at which pain begins to disturb already at a small additional loads. And with the further development of the disease the pain does not stop even at rest. Briefly to get rid of it, only to accept a comfortable position.

At any stage of osteoarthritis is inevitable restrictions on the movement of a diseased joint. Another sign of osteoarthritis is the crunch in the joints. In fact, the periodic rustling happens in all people, and it sounds like a slight crackling. Crunch happens more often, and the sound of it resembles coarse clicks. The cause of the symptom is the increased friction of the bones due to the destruction of joint cartilage.

Appearance of diseased joints is undergoing significant changes, which may be long invisible from the outside. The absence of external signs of deformation due to the fact that in case of arthrosis there is no swelling, redness, muscle tissue or nodular forms.

The causes of osteoarthritis of the knee

Pain in knees is troubling many people seeking help from doctors. Causes painful sensations can be different, including the defeat of the cartilaginous bend. What is the knee joint arthrosis (or osteoarthritis)? It is negative changes in the lining of the articular cartilage of joints, which lead first to the loss of elasticity of connective tissue, and later to its gradual destruction.

Wear and tear of the cartilage involves not only deformation, but also the complete restructuring of the bone tissue. As a result of changes in the endings of the bones appear osteophytes (spikes) that increase pain and significantly restrict the person's movement.

Thus, osteoarthritis of the knee. What it is, I know most women after forty years, endowed with overweight or varicose veins. The disease a long time makes itself felt. Its minor manifestations are characterized by mild pain and slight discomfort after a long walk, exercise, sharp rises from his chair. The initial period of the disease may last from several months to several years.

causes of osteoarthritis

What is a deforming arthrosis? This is the next inevitable stage of progressive disease. It leads to irreversible consequences that completely disrupt the function and structure of the cartilage of the joint. On the stage of development of deforming gonarthrosis pain occur more often, last longer, and movement often accompanied by a crunch of joints. Becomes more noticeable deformity, and the articular cavity is filled with fluid. The third stage has a constant pain that is worse before the weather changes. Bad bending and straightening of the knees affects the changes of gait and deformity of the joints, leads to curvature of the legs.

What is knee arthritis and what are its causes? Conventionally, the disease has two forms:

  • Primary cause is a congenital defect of the joint. The first symptoms are noticeable already in childhood, when rapid growth of the body detects abnormal formation of ligaments.
  • Secondary – the result of complications after injury, sprains, hard blows or certain diseases.

In the case of the second form of pathology it is very important to start the treatment of the inflammatory process, so it did not develop into osteoarthritis of the knee.

How to treat osteoarthritis

Almost completely to cure the disease only at an early stage, if we can get rid of the main causes of arthritis (e.g., excess weight). In other cases conservative treatments can only achieve a sustained remission: minimal presence or prolonged absence of pathological signs. To achieve this goal, prescribed drugs, chiropractic, massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

The result of these measures significantly reduced or for a long time will be pain, disappear inflammation of the joint. In addition, improved blood flow to the affected area and there will be a partial restoration of cartilage. Good result also gives regular balneological treatment.

In the advanced stage of gonarthrosis prescribed prosthetics. Thanks to the artificial joint can be achieved full recovery of motor functions.

When there is arthrosis of the ankle joint

If you wear uncomfortable shoes or too high heels, it increases the risk tuck foot. Minor trauma may seem insignificant, but because soon forget about it. But in reality, each rotation is injury of muscles and ligaments, which in the future will make itself felt with the development of unpleasant disease.

What is osteoarthritis of the ankle joint and what other circumstances is a prerequisite for its development? In addition to injuries, the emergence of the disease is strongly influenced by the existing osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, intra-articular fractures, dysplasia and other factors that provoke pinching of the nerve roots in the lumbar spine. This results in the malfunction of the muscles of the ankle. What is osteoarthritis of the foot, soon you realize people who have regular physical load on the legs because of the professional specifics: movers, dancers, dancers, footballers, runners, body builders. At risk also fat people.

From the constant loading of articular cartilage wear out faster, become thinner and lose their elasticity. Very quickly they develop small cracks, which accumulate calcium salts, which further destroys the connective tissue. If you do not treat the disease at an early stage, then the bone will appear with spikes. In this case, we can certainly talk about deforming arthrosis, which is cure.

What is arthrosis and how to recognize it coming? You need to listen to your body and pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • getting up from the couch and taking the first step, you immediately feel the severe pain and discomfort in the joints of the foot;
  • the pain increases with physical exercise.
  • loud crunching and crackling in the joints when walking, limitations and stiffness;
  • when walking even on level ground you often harm the feet.

At the first signs of incipient osteoarthritis hurry to the doctor to not run the disease and prevent irreversible consequences.

Method of treatment of arthrosis

prevention of osteoarthritis

The result of treatment is in direct proportion to the stage of the disease. The first degree of osteoarthritis involves conservative methods: medication, exercise therapy, physiotherapy. Full people recommended weight loss. The result can be a long time to get rid of pain, relieve inflammation.

Very important at this stage of treatment is the use of biostimulants increases blood circulation in the body. An additional method to positive impact is a Spa treatment that gives long-lasting and sustainable effect.

The decision about the surgery, the doctor may accept only upon the occurrence of the third and most severe stage of osteoarthritis. In this case, there are several options:

  • arthroplasty – replacement of the destroyed joint with an implant (the result is restored function of the foot);
  • arthrodesis is the removal of cartilage and forced the connection of the bone endings (the foot completely lose mobility);
  • arthroplasty, the restoration of the functions of the damaged connection (recommended for small joints).


You should always remember that getting arthritis can practically everyone. The older he gets, the more likely to get severe disease. It is therefore very important from a young age to pay attention to their health and to take preventive measures in order to prevent the disease. Here are the basic factors which help to avoid osteoarthritis:

  • complete and balanced nutrition;
  • absence of harmful habits;
  • moderate physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight;
  • compliance with rules to prevent possible injury when excessive physical activities (occupational or sports);
  • regular preventive medical examination;
  • the use of specialized integrated tools.